Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 Simple Tips On How To Cure Acne Scars

Yes it is painful when you suffering from acne. It's like 90% of all the population on the earth suffer from acne especially the after result from having it. Acne can affect us both physically and emotionally. Because even if you cured it it will always leave behind a scar or a mark. Yet, there's a solution to lighten or even get rid of acne marks or scars.

The first thing you should do is cure your acne before treating it with acne scar medications. It will be useless if you still have acne. Treating your acne is not hard. All you have to do is properly do the right steps. Many of us rely on acne product that promise to heal our skin. You should definitely get more information or read more on how to really get rid of acne. if you did it properly, acne will never ever appear again

. When you get some proper hormonal imbalance and many more factors like oily skin or clog pores, acne will be a thing in the past. 1. Make some changes in you diet or what you eat. Replace Oily, fatty foods with natural foods like veggies, seeds, fruits, nuts and also replace meat with Fish!! 2. Use Rose Hip Oil and some other treatments. There are hundreds of treatments out there like laser treatments and skin peeling for deeper acne scars even require stitching.

The use of chemical peeling is they apply substance in your face that get rids of the outer layer of the skin. It will peels of the first layer it's like you skin is renew. You can also use rose hip oil because these oil contain certain fats and some other ingredients that make the scars lighten. Apply rose hip oil once twice daily. But, you cannot use this on deep scars.